Note: this is preliminary documentation for an unreleased feature.
Feathr Forms allow you to simply create custom forms to embed on your webpages in order to gather self-reported information from your audience. They are great for capturing email addresses and other personal information about your community, and the form submission data is filterable and available for you to build groups from submissions, including conversion goal groups. Continue reading to learn how to create a Form in Feathr.
Navigate to Forms
Forms are located in the Content menu within any Project. To begin creating a Form, log in to your Feathr account, choose a Project, then use the left side menu to navigate to Content > Forms.
Forms Manager
This will bring you to the Forms Manager. In the Forms Manager, you can view and manage your existing Forms. To start a new Form, choose + Create form.
Creating Your Form
Every Form contains email address as a required field. Email is the field your Feathr database uses to differentiate between person records. To add other fields to your Form, scroll through the options in the left menu of the Form builder, select the fields you want, and drag and drop them into the form draft on the right side of the Form builder.
Once you have dropped a field into your draft form, you will be able to edit how it displays. You can mark it as a required field (meaning the user will not be able to submit the form until they fill out that field), and edit the label of the field, any help text that you want to appear alongside the label, and any placeholder text you want to appear within the field to use as an example.
Different fields may contain different options depending on if they are text fields, number fields, dropdown fields, or boolean fields.
Don't forget to save changes as you work.
Once you have added the fields you want on your form, click publish.
Adding a Form to a Webpage
Once your form is published, you may want to add it to a page on your website. This is done by embedding the form using iframe code Feathr supplies.
To retrieve the code, select Share on the form builder.
That will display the code needed in order to embed the form. Select Copy to Clipboard. Once the code is copied, you will need to paste it into the body code of your webpage. If you are unsure how or where to do this, refer to help documentation provided by your website service provider. Adding code to a webpage is a common use of a website service provider and yours will likely offer guidance as to how.
Content Serving Domain
Important note: Feathr Forms cannot be embedded on webpages before that webpage's content serving domain is authenticated in Feathr. Domain authentication is what allows Feathr and your website to communicate with each other, and is a required step before Forms can appear on your page.
Note also that domain authentication can take 48+ hours to connect. Please refer to this help desk article for more information about authenticating your domain.
Viewing Form Submissions
Once your form is published, embedded, and submissions are coming in, you can use the Community database to view and filter those submissions.
To do this, choose + Add filter set, then select Viewed form or Submitted form. This will display a list of people to whom the filter applies. You can browse the list or use it to build a Group. See more about Groups here.