Although the majority of Feathr customers use a credit card or a direct withdrawal via ACH to pay for campaign media, you also have the option to pay for media ahead of time and deduct against that balance when running campaigns.
If pre-payment is a better option for you and your organization, follow the steps in this article.
1. Add a Billing Configuration
Begin by creating a billing configuration in your Feathr account that has no payment method associated with it. Navigate to the bottom left of your Feathr dashboard, select Settings, then Billing, then Configurations.
Next, click the blue button in the top right labeled Add Billing Configuration.
2. Complete the Billing Configuration without a Payment Method
Once you've clicked Add Billing Configuration, Feathr will guide you through the steps to create one. First, enter billing contact information and address.
In step 3 where it asks for a payment method, do not add one. Just click Next.
We recommend naming your Billing Configuration to reflect that it will be a pre-paid option. That makes it easy to distinguish from other Billing Configurations you may have in your Feathr account with credit cards or bank accounts connected to them.
Now that you've created a new Billing Configuration, you can connect it to a Project, choose how much you'd like to pre-pay, and request an invoice.
3. Connect your new Billing Configuration to a Project
Navigate to the Project that will contain the campaigns where you'd like to use the pre-paid option, then to Settings > Billing.
The screen will prompt you to add a Billing Configuration to the Project. Select the pre-pay option you just created.
4. Add Funds
The last step is to choose your pre-pay budget and request an invoice from Feathr.
Once you've completed step 3 above, an option will appear in your Project Billing Settings called Media Credit Balance. To add pre-paid funds, click the blue button.
Choose the amount you'd like to pre-pay and you will receive an invoice from Feathr. Once the invoice is paid, there will be a balance in your Payment Configuration from which your campaign expenditures will deduct.
Disclaimer: The payment method used to pay that invoice will appear as a new Billing Configuration in your account. To avoid unintentional charges to that payment method, we recommend removing that Billing Configuration.