An Email Mapping campaign allows you to reach your email prospects with display advertising, whether or not they’ve been on your website. Read below to learn more.
Your campaign budget depends on several factors, including audience size, campaign length, and desired number of impressions per person. Feathr’s campaign creation wizard will take these factors into account and automatically suggest a budget for your campaign. You are welcome to adjust that budget as you see fit.
You can use this basic equation, which is based on showing every member of your audience one impression per day for the duration of the campaign, where N= the number of reachable people in your segment(s), and D= the number of days you want your campaign to run:
((N x D)/1000) x 5
1000 is the unit number of impressions (CPM) and 5 is the average cost per 1000 impressions. So if you are advertising to a group of 2000 people for 30 days, your budget calculation could look like this:
((2000 x 30)/1000) x 5, or $300.
Increasing or decreasing the budget from there is a strategic decision you can make, and will affect the number of impressions shown.
Campaign Length
Because Email Mapping campaigns can take 5-10 days to process your email list before being able to start showing impressions, make sure you get a head start compiling your list and setting up your campaign.
When choosing how long to run your campaign, first consider what you’re promoting. It is ideal for your campaign length to correlate to the marketing message or offer your campaign is promoting. For example, it wouldn’t make much sense to run a campaign promoting earlybird pricing beyond the price increase deadline. Let your overall marketing strategy inform your campaign length, and be specific with your offer and your calls to action.
If you choose to run a campaign that is not tied to a specific marketing deadline, and perhaps is only intended to increase awareness, consider your budget and your audience’s attention span. Studies show that it takes 17-20 impressions per month for a marketing message to “stick,” so consider running awareness and engagement campaigns for one month, with enough budget to serve that many impressions to your target audience.
An Email Mapping campaign in Feathr requires a list of at least 2500 email addresses. This is because, on average, Feathr is able to convert 40-60% of any email list into targetable cookies, giving you a base audience of at least 1000.
The best email list to use for your Email Mapping campaign is a marketing prospects list, rather than a member or partner list. This is because you have an established relationship with your members and other partners, and can either reach out to them directly or advertise to them in more targeted ways using segments and retargeting campaigns.
For your marketing prospects, consider an Email Mapping campaign an additional “layer” to your current email marketing efforts. The marketing messages between your email marketing and your Email Mapping campaigns should coordinate and provide a consistent experience for your audience.
Click here to directly download our .csv template
The file should appear like this, with your target email addresses added.
Read this article for instructions on formatting your own email list upload.
Geographic Filters
It may not be necessary to use geographic filters in your Email Mapping campaigns, because the list of email addresses you upload are likely already qualified prospects, and there would be no need to filter any out. Whereas with a retargeting campaign, you run the risk of advertising to anyone in the world who may have stumbled onto your website, and geographic filtering can help weed out unqualified prospects in that instance.
Your ad creatives should be eye-catching, simple, and contain a direct call to action, such as “register now” or “sign up today.”
For simplicity’s sake, limit the content of your creatives to a few essential elements: a strong, branded visual, a bold headline, and a specific call to action. It’s important to remain on brand with every element of your creative image because you want your audience to instantly recognize your brand.
If you can, create at least one of each of these sizes:
- 300 x 250
- 728 x 90
- 160 x 600
These are the most commonly available ad dimensions across the web and will serve the most impressions in your campaign. For more supported creative sizes, click here.
Your first set of creatives should be the same or a very similar message, even across different sizes. If you have the bandwidth, try creating another set of creatives with swapped colors or an alternate call to action. You can upload more than one creative of any size and Feathr will serve them at an equal ratio. As your campaign runs, keep an eye on how each creative is performing and add more or disable some accordingly.
If you’re running a long campaign, consider swapping out all new creatives halfway through, in order to avoid the dreaded “banner blindness” effect.
A goal is what you tell Feathr to define as a conversion for your campaign. Read more about Goals here. In the Goals section of Feathr’s campaign creation wizard, it will ask for a goal segment to be connected to the campaign. This is a segment you would like to see grow as a result of the campaign. As the campaign influences people to perform the goal activity, the segment will grow and each person added will be counted as a conversion and included in your campaign report.
Most often, the segment connected here would be your segment of confirmed registered attendees or members. It could also be exhibitors, sponsors, or other partners, as long as there is a fully digital way for them to sign up. If your registration and/or member databases are managed by a third party vendor, talk to your onboarding specialist or your customer success manager about the best way to track this data in Feathr. It may involve placing the Feathr Super Pixel or Google Tag Manager with your vendor.
Once that data can be tracked accurately, it is only a matter of building a segment of people who have completed a registration and adding that segment as a goal in your campaign.