When building Ad campaigns in Feathr, you will see a step in the Campaign Wizard called "Campaign optimization." If you're unsure what this means, this article will clarify what optimization is, and what it does for your campaigns.
Campaign Optimization
Feathr display ad campaigns contain a variety of budget and exposure settings such as how many ads a member of your audience might see over a given time period, the bid range of your ads, and whether your campaign should be shown to the same person across all of their devices.
It is suggested best practice to allow Feathr to manage these settings on your campaign's behalf. This ensures your campaign will maximize its ratio of exposure to expenditure and provide you with the most efficient ad placements for your budget.
To allow Feathr to manage campaign settings, choose auto-optimize in the optimization step of your campaign, as seen below:
Customizing Campaign Settings
Choosing customize will open a set of campaign exposure options for you to choose. Unless suggested by your Feathr Pro or Campaign Manager, it is not recommended to make custom changes to these settings. Auto-optimize will result in a more successful campaign more often.
This allows you to make changes to the following:
Frequency cap: the maximum number of ad impressions that can be shown to any given member of your audience per frequency period.
Base bid: the lowest bid you will make per 1000 ad impressions.
Frequency period: the unit of time during which the frequency cap applies.
Omni targeting: the campaign's ability to target members of your target audience across all of their devices.
Omni Targeting
Omni targeting refers to cross-device tracking. Read the linked article to learn more about it. Even if making changes to other exposure and bid settings, it is recommended to leave omni targeting enabled. The primary exception to that recommendation is if your organization handles protected healthcare data or serves populations at risk for abuse.
In those cases, it is likely that omni targeting has already been disabled for your account. If you have questions about that, contact your Feathr Pro.