In order to prevent unnecessary blocking of links in your Feathr pages, ads, and emails, Feathr offers a domain allow list feature. Using this feature enables you to create a list of domains that are pre-approved to appear in your Feathr links. Keep reading to learn more.
What is a Domain Allow List?
Feathr's domain allow list is a feature enabling you control over pre-approval of any domain you might link to in your marketing efforts on Feathr. The reason to use a domain allow list is that links in emails are closely scrutinized for security and can occasionally be marked as malicious when they're not.
Sometimes a link that is both safe and intended to be included in your marketing emails gets mistaken by email clients for an unsafe link and blocked when your email recipient clicks on it. That means less effective marketing and a jarring experience for your recipients. Using a domain allow list gives you the option to pre-approve any domains you are linking to, which prevents the unintentional blocking of those domains.
Learn more about why safe links sometimes get mistakenly marked as malicious.
How to use the Domain Allow List
To access the domain allow list, first log in to your Feathr account. Then, use the left menu to navigate to Profile & Settings, then choose Account settings:
Then, in the upper side menu, select Domain Allow List.
You will see that one default domain is already added. This enables all Feathr templates to be delivered without error.
To add additional domains, click Add Domain and then enter the root domain of any site you'd like to pre-approve to send to recipients. For example, in this screenshot we have added Google Drive by entering
Once you've entered the domain, click Save Changes and that domain will be preserved in a pre-approved state, ready to be linked in your emails, pages, and ads.
Which Domains should I Allow?
In general, any website besides your own that you include as a link in anything you build and publish in Feathr should be added to the domain allow list, just in case your recipients have an email service that would block it. This feature was built in response to Feathr customers who send out newsletters to their members and frequently link industry news, research, and opportunities within the body of the email.
Note that any links you add to your email templates are automatically added to your allow list in order to prevent links from breaking in your emails.