What's the difference between the campaign types I see when I add a new campaign?
In this article, we’ll define the differences between each campaign type in the Ads Module and offer insights on how to choose the best campaign type(s) for your unique goals.
Please note: the campaign types you can access will depend on which Feathr package level your organization has purchased.
Before learning how they differ, it is important to begin by understanding what each of these campaign types has in common. No matter which of these six campaign types you choose in the Feathr Ads Module, the end result is the same: you are displaying your ads to an audience, wherever they may be browsing on the internet. The primary difference between each campaign type is how that audience is defined.
What is a retargeting campaign?
A retargeting campaign displays your ads to people who have visited your website. Those people are considered among your first-party data. Using first-party data to generate a targeted audience is advantageous because you know the most about that audience—what pages they’ve seen, how many times they’ve visited, and more.
Using Groups, you can build a retargeting audience whose activities and interests are appropriately matched to what you intend to promote. Click here for some ideas about Grouping.
Click here to learn best practices for retargeting campaigns.
Mobile Geofencing
What is a geofencing campaign?
A geofencing campaign bases its audience on physical location. When creating a geofencing campaign in Feathr, you will be prompted to enter a location (or several locations) to target with ads. Upon publishing your geofencing campaign, Feathr generates a virtual geo boundary around that address, and your ads will display on any mobile device that happens to be within that boundary, or “fence.” You can even select how big or small the boundary is.
Unlike retargeting, the people who see your geofencing ads don't have to have visited your website before. By virtue of being physically present at the location you’ve specified, their devices become eligible to see your ads. Geofencing is a pinpoint-accurate method of getting your message in front of a primed audience at the right time and place, such as an industry trade show.
Click here for Geofencing best practices.
Historical Geofencing
What is a historical geofencing campaign?
Historical geofencing is identical to geofencing, except it targets past location activity rather than future (or current) activity. Using Feathr's historical geofencing campaign type, you can choose a physical location such as an event venue, as well as a date range in the past, and serve ads to mobile devices that were physically present at that location during the date range you've targeted. It's an excellent way to continually advertise to an event audience even after the event is over.
Click here for Historical Geofencing best practices.
Search Keyword
What is a search keyword campaign?
A search keyword campaign displays to anyone who uses a search engine to search for words and phrases relevant to your products and services. And the best part is you get to choose those words and phrases. Simply think up a list of search terms that you think would be good indicators of interest in what your campaign will promote, and upload them as a list in Feathr. As people across the web use search engines to search for those terms, they will enter your targeted audience and begin seeing your ads. Click here to learn how to generate a search keyword list.
Search keyword campaigns are a simple way to not only get in front of a brand new audience, but an audience that is actively searching for what you provide.
Click here for more recommended best practices when running a search keyword campaign.
Email Mapping
What is an email mapping campaign?
An email mapping campaign is based directly on an email list you upload into Feathr. When creating an email mapping campaign, you will upload your target email list (of at least 2,500 addresses) and Feathr will connect a percentage of those emails (usually 40-60%) to web cookies, enabling you to reach those prospects with display advertising regardless of if they've previously visited your website or not. Click here for an article on how to format your email list.
Email list campaigns are a great opportunity to get your message in front of warm prospects and add an additional layer of communication to your marketing strategy.
Click here to learn best practices for email mapping campaigns.
What is a Lookalike campaign?
Lookalike campaigns are similar to retargeting campaigns, except instead of directly targeting your website visitors, Feathr generates an audience with shared characteristics (such as demographic information, browsing history, or interests) based on your website visitors (you must start with a Group of 30,000 reachable people).
A lookalike campaign can quickly generate a large new group of marketing prospects that have much in common with those who are already engaging with your website. It’s another way Feathr can get your message in front of qualified new people.
What is an Affinity campaign?
An Affinity campaign works like a retargeting campaign, except instead of deriving its audience from your own first-party data (website visitors, ad clicks, etc.), it offers a list of pre-configured 3rd-party Groups from Feathr's ad network partners. This allows you immediate access to a wide variety targeted audiences without the need to build up your own database of website visitors to retarget. Using an Affinity campaign, you can effectively "shop" for your perfect ad audience.
Click here to learn more about Affinity campaigns.
Note on campaign timing
Retargeting campaigns can start showing impressions the next day, while the other four campaign types have a data processing period of between 5-10 days. Feathr recommends publishing your campaigns with a future start date taking those processing times into consideration.
What about other campaign types?
This article focuses on paid display campaign types. Depending on your Feathr package, you also have access to a number of other paid campaigns and marketing tools. Facebook retargeting and Facebook email mapping perform the same functions as described above, but display your ads strictly on Facebook and Instagram rather than on the web at large. Additional marketing tools available in Feathr include email tools, landing pages, tracked links, Conversations, Monetization, and Invites. Read the linked articles or search our help desk for more information about them.