Flights is Feathr's sophisticated and flexible campaign planning module. Flights helps you plan, organize, and report on an entire set of campaigns tied to a shared end goal, such as a registration or form submission. Flights enables you to arrange and monitor a set of campaigns over an entire promotional period rather than working one campaign at a time.
Flights offers two modes of use: pre-made Flights and Custom Flights.
Custom Flights are recommended for experienced digital marketers who have a specific plan and are using Feathr as a tool to execute it. For marketers who would benefit from strategic guidance, Feathr offers a wide range of pre-made Flights comprised of vetted Campaign plans for a variety of common marketing goals. This article covers Custom Flights exclusively. Read this article for more information on pre-made Flights.
Starting a Custom Flight
When you're ready to build a campaign plan in Flights, first navigate to the Projects overview by clicking Projects in the left menu.
From there, either click on the paper airplane icon on the Project tile where you wish to build your Flight, or... the Project and then choose Flights from the left submenu.
Next click Take flight, which will bring you to the Flights menu. Note that this is where you can browse and select pre-made Flights, which we'll cover later in this article. To start with a custom Flight, click the blue button at the top right of the Flights menu labeled "New empty flight."
Adding Legs
Next, a screen will prompt you to add a "leg" to your custom Flight. Just like commercial flights, Feathr Flights are divided into legs, which are phases of your Flight that contain one or more Campaigns. Campaigns within a Leg can—but don't have to—be run simultaneously.
Once you've added a Leg, your custom Flight will look like this:
Click the plus sign icon to the right of the first Leg to add additional legs. Many Flights will have 3-4 Legs. This example Flight will have three. The Legs of your Flight are intended to represent chronological progress of your Campaigns over the duration of a promotional period, but that isn't a requirement.
In this case, the Legs will be populated with campaigns intended to promote an event six months out, three months out, and one month out, respectively. To name the Legs accordingly, click "Unnamed Leg" and enter the names you'd like to use.
This represents the basic elements of the Flights view: a high-level overview of your promotional plan with a timeline sketched in. The next step will be to add individual Campaigns to each Leg.
This is an ideal time to name and save your Flight, so that you can return later and continue working on it. Once your Flight is saved, it will appear in the Flights menu of your Project.
To name and save it, click Edit on the top right of the window. This will open a form where you can name and apply a Goal to your Flight. Just like with individual Campaigns, you can choose a Goal Group for your Flight that will define and track a conversion activity. In Flights, that Goal will be tracked across every Campaign in the Flight. Read this article for more information about Flights Goals.
If you don't have a Goal Group created at the time you are building your Flight, choose any Group (including a blank one) and Goal value temporarily. This can always be updated later.
Additionally, there is an option to save your Flight as a Flight Path, which converts the Flight into a repeatable template to save time if/when you'd like to run the Flight again. This can also be decided later. For now, we only want to name and save the Custom Flight.
Click Save Changes when you're ready for the next step.
Adding Campaigns to Your Flight
To populate your Flight Legs with Campaigns, begin by selecting the plus sign icon located within the Leg tile. The Campaign menu will appear, prompting you to choose a campaign type. Repeat this process across each Leg until you have drafted a strategy that will complement your unique Flight goal. It might look something like this:
Note: Available Campaign types will depend on the Feathr package level you or your organization have chosen. Not every Campaign type is accessible to every Feathr customer.
At this point your Flight is drafted, however, individual Campaign within the Flight must still be completed with the addition of names, audiences, dates, creatives, a budget, and Goals. For more on how to complete your Campaigns, read this article.
Your Flight is launched live automatically once the start date of any published Campaign within the Flight arrives. There is no need to "publish" the Flight itself.
Once your Flight Campaigns begin to show impressions, you can view the results in your Flights Report. For more on reporting, read this article.